Using the New Orders Page
The New Orders page has two main functions: 1. Add a brand new order or 2. Edit an already existing order. Editing an order can be done by clicking the edit icon (pencil) for that order
in the Show Orders page's data table. A brand new order requires only a client to save the order. You can either choose an already existing client right from the drop down list in the
top right of the page, or create a brand new client by filling out the required form fields. The client will be saved automatically when the Save Order button is clicked right along with any
order information you filled out, pictures, etc.
Orders with Vendors
If your particular order requires a vendor, then you can easily either choose an exisiting vendor from the vendors drop down list, or click
the Add / Edit Vendor button with no vendor selected in the drop down. Clicking the button will create a popup screen that will either load
the vendor selected in the drop down for you to edit, or give you a brand new form to fill out and create a new Vendor. Upon clicking the
Save Order button your vendor will be saved along with your order.
Making your own Custom Labels
We know that every business is different, and that means that the needs of each of our customers is different as well.
The Repair Traq system allows you the freedom to customize the labels of your Repair Details section of the New Orders page.
To customize your labels, click on the "configuration" link under the My Account tab drop down in the main navigation of
the website. In the area labeled "Custom Fields", edit or replace the existing generic labels (Custom Label 1 etc.) with
any text of your choice. Click Save Fields and the next time you visit the New Orders page, the labels in the Repair Details
Section of the page will reflect your changes.
Taking / Uploading / Deleting Pictures
Photos with your Webcam
The Repair Traq order management database allows you to save as many pictures as you want with each order. The system
either work directly with any webcam that is plugged into your computer, or you can upload pictures. Our system will
automatically sense your webcam if available and will ask you for permission to access the camera. If you click allow,
the webcam will load up and you are ready to start taking pictures. If you want to allow access to your camera automatically
on page load then you can right-click on the allow / deny prompt, choose Settings, and then click the allow and remember
check boxes.
Uploading Pictures
If you do not have a web cam you can upload photos instead. To upload photos simply click on the "Upload" tab right next
to the WebCam tab, in the top-left of the screen. In order to upload a photo, click the select buttom which will open
a pop-up letting you navigate to the photos you want to upload on your computer. Double click on a photo of your choice,
and click the "Upload Photos" button. If you want to make multiple picture uploads at once, click the "add" button which
will give you multiple uploads. The file types that are allowed consist of most general picture files including: .jpg, .png, .bmp, and .gif,
and Uploader does not care about the size of the picture.
Picture Thumbnails Delete and Zooming
After you have uploaded or taken snapshots with your webcam, each of the pictures will appear in a thumbnail below
the upload or webcam area. Here you can either click on the thumbnail which will open the picture in a pop-up where
you can zoom in and out on the picture as desired.
To delete a picture simply click on the "X" icon in the top-right corner of each thumbnail, and by doing so your picture
will now be deleted permanently.
Emailing your Client
The new order screen allows you to email your client with any existing order. You can email the client of a particular order
by simply loading up an existing order from the Show Orders page, and then clicking the "Email Client" button. The button will
create a pop-up that will fill in the clients email, your accounts customizable subject text, the body of the email as
your customizable body text, and the From address as your accounts email address. Each of these customizable fields can
be edited from the My Account page to your liking.
Attaching Pictures to Emails
The email also allows you to attach any or all of the pictures that you have available for your order. To attach a picture
click in the checkbox of the picture(s) you want attached, and leave blank the pictures you do not need. Click send
and your email will be sent to your client.
Order PDF Export
After you load up an existing order, each order is available for export to a pre-formatted PDF document that
can easily be used as an order claim check. The PDF allows you to choose which picture you would like to include along
with a customizable subject, body content, and you and your clients relevant information. Your accounts information as well
as the customizable subject and body content can all be edited via the My Account page.