7/30/2021 7:49:00 PM -
BUg fix - link to workorder from search page fixed on id field
7/30/2021 3:11:00 PM -
BUG FIX - checklist input type not loading properly
6/17/2020 1:35:00 PM -
BUG FIX - fixed issue with addresses on the repair ticket
5/26/2020 7:11:00 PM -
BUG FIX - fixed issue with adding service item to work order. Thanks to April from Global Bolting for the heads up! Have you used service items yet?
5/21/2020 1:39:00 PM -
IMPORTANT! Some small UI updates pending. Updates will make it easier to navigate on mobile devices and iPads
5/18/2020 5:07:00 PM -
BUG FIX - fixed issue with emailing quotes
3/25/2020 2:19:00 AM -
Feedback Heard! - Search screen will now default to showing all active orders for those of you that have less than 1000 active orders.
3/12/2020 3:52:00 PM -
Search Screen Update - Inv# column now links to invoice. Click away! 
3/6/2020 1:55:00 PM -
THANKS FOR ALL YOUR FEEDBACK ON SEARCH SCREEN! We are adding an option to view all open orders by default for accounts that have less then 500 open orders.
3/3/2020 6:11:00 PM -
SEARCH ENHANCEMENT - Order ID column is now a hyper link. Easier for our mobile users
3/3/2020 3:56:00 PM -
Search Dates are now 'sticky'. The start and end dates you enter will now be remembered throughout your session
3/3/2020 1:31:00 AM -
SEARCH ENHANCEMENT - Search form is now filtered by create date. Some of you guys have thousands of repairs! We needed to add a filter for performance reasons. We also hid the extra filters under the 'More Options' button. Please give us any feedback @ support@repairtraq.com!
2/27/2020 6:54:00 PM -
DID YOU KNOW? We can integrate with your existing website so your customers can request your service online!
2/25/2020 2:52:00 PM -
Invoice Report Enhancement - click or tap on the invoice number, do not pass go, and browse directly to the invoice
2/24/2020 9:03:00 PM -
BUG FIX! Invoice Summary Report was not showing invoices without a shop location record. Fixed
2/10/2020 7:56:00 PM -
New Feature - Create custom standard invoice terms. Browse to Menu>My Account>Account Settings
1/31/2020 3:55:00 PM -
BUG FIX! Orders Due Report was not working properly pulling up the right records. Thanks Nate Nguyen for the heads up!
1/13/2020 5:33:00 PM -
Client Section just got a UI overhaul - let us know what you think - support@repairtraq.com
10/30/2019 9:37:00 PM -
UI and performance updates to the invoice screen, feeback welcome!
9/4/2019 1:28:00 PM -
Open Work Orders Faster - From the search screen you can double click on a row, or double tap on the iPad
8/27/2019 7:57:00 PM -
SEARCH SCREEN CUSTOM GROUPING! -You can now add custom grouping by dragging a column up into the Grouping Header. It reads "Drag a column header and drop it here to group by that column"
8/23/2019 6:18:00 PM -
Copy Work Orders - Work faster by copying existing work orders! There's a button on the bottom toolbar that allows you to copy existing work orders to make your data entry much faster. Copies the check list items as well! Thanks to Jason King for that suggestion.
8/19/2019 6:39:00 PM -
A few updates to the workorder screen for our iPad users.
7/27/2019 7:10:00 PM -
SEARCH SCREEN UPGRADE!! - you can now open work orders from the seach screen in a new tab so you don't lose the search criteria. Check the box labeled Open in new tab and double click on a row. It will magically open in a new tab. Also as a special treat the title on tab will have the work order number on it so you can better manage your tabs. It's been a real help for us over here at RT HQ. Please try it and give us some feedback!
7/25/2019 7:11:00 PM -
New Print Button on Workorder page allows you to print repair tickets in various formats from full size to barcoded label
6/10/2019 6:40:00 PM -
New Website!! Check it out and let us know what you think!
5/15/2019 6:40:00 PM -
Users Admin Update - Administering yours users just got easier with an updated and more user friendly UI. Give it a go and let us know what you think.
4/25/2019 6:39:00 PM -
Invoice Update - you can now edit the invoice date instead of it being system generated. Only available if the invoice status = invoice.
4/2/2019 7:10:00 PM -
BUG FIX - Fixed issue with the sub-total on the invoice.
3/19/2019 7:11:00 PM -
Invoice Report Upgrade - We changed the date filters to Invoice Date rather than Due Date, also added a filter for paid status. Much cleaner look as well. We removed some of those confusing buttons everyone was complaining about too. Let us know if anyone wants them back! Send feedback to support@RepairTraq.com
3/16/2019 7:11:00 PM -
New Search Field - Added the 'model number' field from the service item detail record to the search screen! Right mouse click on the headers to access the new column. Make sure you hit the Save Grid Settings button to make your change permanment.
3/14/2019 7:11:00 PM -
BUG FIX! Fixed some labeling issues with quotes and invoices...everthing said invoice even though it was a quote. We went through and fixed a bunch of these labeling issues. The filename of the PDF should reflect quote vs invoice as well. Look for more improvements in this area in the near future!
The Work Order Entry pages now have the order number displayed in the browser tab so you can manage multiple orders at the same time!
We are having issues with our certificate this AM. Should have it resolved shortly!
Invoice Summary Report Update. We added the deposit field and a total field to the grid. Have fun kids!
Client Screen Update. Client list page is now full screen, you can export ALL records at once, and a new phone number columns has been added. BIG DAY!
Due date Issue Fixed. It was being slightly modified if you had a time zone set other than EST. Weird one but we found it and fixed it for you!
- Search Screen criteria got a face lift. Works better on the iPad and tablets in general
- Search screen improved performance. Loads about 25% faster! Wicked cool!
- Custom Quick Entry form for Proctor Academy
- Employee screen update - no longer need to update password when saving employee changes
- Office Locations - added Store number
4.18.2018 Added 2 new fields to the search screeen, Created By and Modified By. Use the column chooser by right mouse clicking on the header. Call us if you need help!
4.15.2018 Fixed a bug with the Asset popup on the work order screen. now reflects updates to current item in real time.
3.21.2018 Orders Due Report now loads current month by default, and we added the completed date field. Sweet...
3.12.2018 The search page now has a bulk delete option - ENJOY!
Anyone want their home page changed to the search page instead of Order Entry? Email support@RepairTraq.com and let us know!
10.11.2017 - NOTICE - We are going to be moving the camera control & image upload area into it's own collapsible section in order to improve usability.
9.30.2017 - Enhancement Alert - Search screen double click. You can now double click, or double tap if you are on a tablet, and open up a work order from the search screen.
9.22.2017 - Enhancement Alert - Added 2 new asset fields to the search screen. Asset Serial Number and Asset Name. Right click on the header to reveal the column chooser in order to add
these exciting new fields to your search screen! Thanks to Jerod at Global Bolting Technologies for the idea. Excited? We sure are!
9.11.2017 - Enhancement Alert - Major upgrade in invoicing. Here are the improvements:
- Enter Line items directly on the work order without having to save first
- New extended price column
- New discount percent field on a per item basis
- New feature - auto save on print. Thanks Yanky for this suggestion!
Ideas Anyone? Please send us an email - support@RepairTraq.com
9.8.2017 - Enhancement Alert - Sticky Work Order Button Menu. If you scroll down the Work Order buttons now stay on top with a blue background! Let us know if you like it!
7.21.2017 - Enhancement Alert - The Invoice Report just got an upgrade. Footers, totals, and formatting oh my! Everyone can now also export to excel and csv as well.
7.15.2017 - Enhancement Alert - Tax override - you can now override the tax calculation with user data input.
Thanks to Ernesto Rolo from SwissTime Care in Miami for the awesome suggestions. Have any ideas you'd like to share? Give Erik a call at 970-328-2037
7.7.2017 - Enhancement Alert - Repair Asset serial number is now a searchable field.
7.7.2017 - Enhancement Alert - Calculate tax from total. You can now back into the tax by filling in the total amount and then clicking the calculate tax button. Very helpful if you don't want to load inventory with all your items and need
a quick way to calculate tax.
7.1.2017 - Enhancement Alert - You can now create a quote without having to generate an invoice number. Helpful for keeping invoices in sequence!
6.14.2017 - Enhancement Alert - Apoointment Calendar Upgrade. You can now add Appointments and view your calendar from the Clients menu. No longer have to click through an
order to create a follow up appointment. Call 970-328-2037 for a demo!
5.25.2017 - Enhancement Alert - They just keep coming! our progamming team has been very busy! New Copy Feature on Client Items/Assets. You can now make copies of your Client Items/Assets. Button is at the bottom. The new/copied asset will load automatically and you just need to update the fields you need to.
Please give us some feedback when you can! Thanks to Global Bolting Technologies for this idea! #ProgrammersRule
5.25.2017 - Enhancement Alert - Copy Feature. You can now make copies of your Work/Repair Orders. Button is at the bottom right. The new order will appear in the search screen..
Please give us some feedback when you can!
5.19.2017 - Enhancement Alert - Inventory Product wildcard search on name column, just type a few letters of the product you are looking for and hit enter.
5.19.2017 - Enhancement Alert - Client Item/Asset now searchable by serial number as well. Just start typing either the asset name or serial number and Repair Traq will retrieve it with lightning-quick ninja-fast reflexes. #NinjasRule
5.18.2017 - Enhancement Alert - Tax-exempt feature for Customers. New checkbox field exempts customer from taxes. This overrides all other tax settings
5.18.2017 - Enhancement Alert - You can now search for clients on the New Order page by phone number. Just start typing and Repair Traq will find your customers by name, company name, and now phone number! #WickedAwesome
12.28.2016 - Enhancement Alert - 6 new User Defined Fields available now on Customer/Client! Call us if you need help setting up!
11.15.2016 - Enhancement Alert - 6 new User Defined Fields available now on Assets! Call us if you need help setting up!
10.22.2016 - Enhancement Alert - There is now a deposit field which is deducted from the invoice total. Should We add another one?
9.15.2016 - Enhancement Alert - There is now a Vendor Ticket available. This ticket does not show client information or pricing!
8.24.2016 - Enhancement Alert - There is now a Vendor Ticket available. This ticket does not show client information or pricing!
7.19.2016 - Enhancement Alert - You can now take a deposit on your work order and it will be deducted from your total on the invoice! Have fun with that
6.20.2016 - Enhancement Alert - Schedule Follow Up Appointments! You can now schedule follow ups for common maintenance issues to streamline and increase your sales! Click the Follow up button at the top of the order screen to start scheduling repeat business!
5.10.2016 - Enhancement Alert - Employee assingment emails now included a bevy of information about the task. If you don't assign tasks to your employees through RT, you really should start!
5.10.2016 - New Feature - collapsible sections on Order Entry page. Click on the gray section headers to collapse/show. I bet you can't stop clicking once you start!
4.29.2016 - We updated the order entry screen layout a bit. Moved a few things around to make some more room. Let us know if you
run into any troubles. Happy to get some feedback as well!
4.8.2016 - Employee assignment report now available underneath the reports menu! yeah baby!
4.8.2016 - Inventory levels report now available underneath the reports menu.
4.7.2016 - Barcoding almost ready for mass consumption. "Consume mass Quantities"
4.7.2016 - Clients can view basic repair notes and status of their orders on CheckOrderStatus.aspx - basic version only, not available on free version. Contact us if you need help!
4.4.2016 - Picture Alert! Camera being moved to it's own page. We are moving this
off main Order Page to make room for some more features. Contact us if you have
any questions!
4.1.2016 - iPad improvement alert - Taking pictures with your iPad and/or Tablet has never been easier! Give it a try and let us know how it goes.
3.25.2016 - product/item code added to invoice.
3.23.2016 - Tax Exempt Inventory Items now available for use!
3.21.2016 - Added a new tax column - Tax Other.
3.11.2016 - New Invoice Report, wicked cool! - let us know how to make it better!
3.8.2016 - Email Subject now shows Title of repair, awesome! - let us know if you have any questions
3.8.2016 - Invoice # fixed. Now same as Order Number - let us know if you have any questions
11.20.2015 - Blank repair ticket issue with Chrome has been fixed - let us know if you are still having troubles
10.22.2015 - Blank page is confirmed issue with Chrome - https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=543018. Working on a fix!
10.21.2015 - If you are still having trouble with blank repair tickets, let us know! Try emailing them to yourself as a temp workaround.
10.21.2015 - NEW FEATURE ALERT - You can now set a Tax rate for use on the invoice to auto-calculate your tax on inventory items. Click on My Account > Account Settings
9.24.2015 - *** Invoice report coming soon!
9.23.2015 - *** Configurable Tax field coming soon for auto-calcing taxes on invoice
coming soon!
9.23.2015 - !!! You can now view orders and repair assetts on the Client page. See Client option on Menu