What is a PC computer repair tracking system?
The RepairTraq application is a FREE repair tracking system designed specifically for the use of high volume PC computer repair shops.
Our system is completely web-based so you can access your account anywhere that has the internet. The application is database enabled
so you can save all of your customer information, the details of the PC computer under repair, send customized emails to your customers directly, and even take pictures of the PC computeres coming into
your repair shop with your webcam that hooks up automatically to our system. We can help you track every repair order from start to finish, organize
work orders, client notes, repair details, and much more.
How can it help your business?
Service based businesses thrive off of efficiency, productivity, and excellent customer service, and PC computer repair businesses are no exception.
Our software application is guaranteed to help you manage your business more efficiently so you can spend more time on your customers
and less time trying to stay organized, sifting through piles of repair tickets, or looking for customer information. You will become more automated with
customizable and user-friendly application screens where you can save and keep all of your customer and PC computer repair information in a central and reliable location.
What else should you know?
RepairTraq is completely free to use. We do not hide any secret fees, do not make you sign any contracts, and simply want
to offer you a quality product that will truly make our customer's lives a little easier. If you need added functionality
to make the system right for you, please Contact Us. We offer excellent customer service
with no automated call centers and no jumping through hoops. You can call us now and talk to a team leader or application developer immediately who is dedicated
to helping you with any need, large or small.